Continous Delivery toolkit

ENACT will deliver two enablers that aim at improving the continuous delivery of smart IoT systems, with a specific focus on (i) agile and continuous evolution and (ii) ensuring the proper design of the system before delivery. A particular attention will be given to support the testing of smart IoT systems and the gradual migration from the test to the operation environment.

Agile Operation Toolkit

ENACT will deliver three innovative enablers to significantly reduce the burden of managing and maintaining smart IoT systems. A specific attention will be given (i) to ensure the trustworthiness of such systems and (ii) to automate operation activities as much as possible.

Trustworthiness toolkit

ENACT will deliver a set of enablers addressing specific crosscutting trustworthiness concerns such as ensuring proper robustness, security and privacy of smart IoT systems.

ENACT presented during an NGIOT Webinar

Nicolas Ferry and Hui Song - 15/05/2020

The ENACT project's latest results will be presented during an NGIOT webinar

WHEN: June 22, 2020

Main speaker: Hui Song

In this talk Hui Song will discuss about DevOps for IoT, and how the ENACT project proposes to contribute to the field with open source solutions.

The full video of the presentation can be found here here


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